Gen Xer plans her future again; this time with AlamoONLINE

October 6, 2022

AlamoONLINE Communications

Cynthia's first attempt at college was over 20 years ago when she stopped out shortly after discovering she would be a mother. In 2020, as her children were experiencing college for themselves, Cynthia realized she had reached a critical moment in her professional career.  

She worked 11 years in an administrative role at a county school district and reached the highest position one could obtain without a degree. After her boss encouraged her to consider college, she decided it was her turn to go back to college, complete her degree, and compete for high-wage positions at her workplace.

But it dawned on her.

Would she be able to pick up where she left off? After all, technology had advanced since her last attempt.

While she searched for opportunities to advance her education, she learned about AlamoONLINE at Palo Alto College. Today she is pursuing her associates degree in Business Management. 

Thanks to the user-friendly online platforms, access to caring professors, and the resources available to students, Cynthia enthusiastically picked up where she left off twenty years ago.

The online learning management system allows her to connect with instructors easily on her mobile devices, receive text notifications on project deadlines, and organize her assignments.

Crucial to Cynthia's success is the ability to contact her instructors via email and receive a prompt response when she has questions regarding her class assignments.

Additionally, she utilizes the extensive student resources available at Palo Alto College, such as online library services and technical support when she encounters technical difficulties with her devices.

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"[Back in the 90s] an online degree was not an option, to begin with, but with all the technology we have now, it's a lot easier."

Cynthia prides herself on overcoming her fear of technology as she draws closer to achieving her ultimate goal. She acknowledges, "without a degree, there is only so far you can go. I realized that by having my degree, I would have more opportunities in human resources, business, and even teaching."

Grateful for the numerous possibilities on the horizon, she plans to transfer to a 4-year university to earn her bachelor's degree in Business Administration and is contemplating becoming a teacher. Her hopes include developing her business skills to assist her husband with his business and plan their future retirement.


Get ready to AlamoONLINE. We can help.

AlamoONLINE Enrollment Coaches can:

• Help you start the application process

• Guide you in the enrollment process for fully online courses

• Connect you to registration with a college advisor

• Refer you to services available to online students

Contact us today.


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